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K-2 Challenge: Earth Day Edition!

This Saturday, April 22, is Earth Day! In honor of Earth Day, choose any of the following activities to complete for a challenge:

Write a theme poem about the Earth (or anything from nature). If you're not sure what a theme poem is, check out this challenge from March that explains it. You can make your poem on the computer, or you can draw it on another piece of paper. Your poem does not have to rhyme, but it can if you want it to!

Have a grownup time how long it takes for you to take a shower. If you don't take showers, ask a family member if you can time their shower. Then, solve the following problem: A shower uses two gallons of water every minute. A bathtub uses 40 gallons altogether. If you (or your family member) wanted to save as much water as possible, should you (or your family member) take a shower or a bath? Explain how you know.

Make a structure, art project, or invention from recycled materials. Before you make your creation, ask a grownup to make sure that your materials aren't being used for anything else.

Create a poster with TEN ideas for helping protect the Earth. You may use books to help you, or you may use a computer or tablet with a grownup's permission.

I can't wait to see what you choose to do! Have an adult send a picture of your work to for a certificate and a chance to win a sweet treat. Good luck!

Ms. D

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