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K-2 Nurturing
in Asheville City Schools

Second Grade Challenge: March 27-31
Hello, second graders! For this week's challenge, each letter of the alphabet is worth a different number of points. A = 1, B = 2, C = 3,...

First Grade Challenge: March 27-31
Hello, first graders! This week, your challenge is to write a diary from the point of view of an animal or object. If it is okay with a...

Kindergarten Challenge: March 27-31
Hello, kindergarteners! By now, you should have learned that forces are pushes and pulls. Draw a picture that shows pushes and pulls,...

Second Grade Challenge: March 13-17
Hello, second graders! Many of you have been learning about analogies during our lessons together. If you haven't learned about them yet...

Kindergarten Challenge: March 13-17
Hello, kindergarteners! Can you solve this week's St. Patrick's Sudoku? Have an adult take a picture of your finished puzzle and send it...

First Grade Challenge: March 13-17
Hello, first graders! For this week's challenge, you will be looking for "secret paths" from one number to another number. Look at the...

Kindergarten Challenge: March 6-10
Have you ever heard someone say, "It's raining cats and dogs!"? This is an example of an idiom. An idiom is a saying that means something...

First and Second Grade Challenge: March 6-10
Hello, first and second graders! Many of you have been studying poetry with me. This week, you will write a theme poem--a poem that is...
Weekly Challenges Will Resume Next Week!
If you'd still like to participate in a challenge for the week, feel free to choose any of the other challenges on this site. See you...
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