Second Grade Challenge: March 13-17

Hello, second graders! Many of you have been learning about analogies during our lessons together. If you haven't learned about them yet (or if you need a refresher), here is a handy video.
Next, see if you can complete the analogies below. The letters to the correct answer choices spell out a message!
If you figure out what the message says, have an adult email it to with a note saying that you completed the analogies. You will get a certificate and a chance to win a sweet treat.
Good luck!!
1. grape is to fruit as milk is to...
e. cow f. cup g. dairy h. cereal
2. weight is to pounds as length is to...
q. ruler r. feet s. width t. measure
3. top is to bottom as ceiling is to...
e. floor f. tile g. roof h. high
4. chair is to sit as bed is to...
a. lie b. pillow c. comfy d. mattress
5. rainforest is to dry and desert is to...
q. hot r. sandy s. empty t. wet
6. hot is to warm as furious is to...
i. happy j. mad k. fight l. mean
7. leopard is to spots as tiger is to...
m. fur n. wild o. stripes p. black and orange
8. tree is to leaf as head is to...
a. brain b. hair c. helmet d. think