First Grade Challenge: February 20-24
Hello, first graders! This week, you will be looking for patterns when you skip count. Many of you already know how to skip count by 2s, like this:
2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14...
or by 10s, like this:
10, 20, 30, 40, 50...
For today's challenge, you will use this hundreds board. Follow the directions below:

Count by 2s. Each number you say is considered a multiple of 2. Color the multiples of 2 blue on the hundreds board.
Next, count by 4s. Turn each multiple of 4 purple.
Write a sentence that tells what you noticed. What pattern did you see? What observations did you make?
Have an adult send your sentence to . You will get a certificate for your hard work, and a lucky winner will get a sweet treat, too! Good luck!
Ms. D