Second Grade Challenge: November 21 - December 2

Hello, second graders! Many of you have learned about voting in elections. You might be surprised to learn that Hillary Clinton got more votes than Donald Trump... but Donald Trump won the election! Use this article to participate in this week's challenge. Choose ONE of the following choices to complete the challenge. If you want to go above and beyond, you can do more than one!
1. Explain how Donald Trump could win the presidential election even though more Americans voted for Hillary Clinton. Write at least three sentences that start with a capital letter and end with a period.
2. A candidate must get 270 electoral votes to become president. What is the fewest number of states a candidate would need to win? Which states would he or she need to win?
3. If you are around family or friends for Thanksgiving, ask three of them whether or not they like the electoral college. Write one sentence for each person you ask. Your sentences should tell who you asked and give one reason for the person's answer.
Have a teacher or parent help you submit your answer to . You will get a certificate for your hard work, and your name will be entered into a drawing. Five lucky winners will get a sweet treat!
Enjoy your break!
Ms. D