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2nd Grade Challenge: November 14-18

Look at the map below. It gives information about earthquakes in 2011.

Next, make an observation. What do you notice about the earthquakes?

Then, do some research about earthquakes. See if you can find a scientific explanation for whatever you noticed.

To complete this week's challenge, you will need to submit three things to Ms. D:

1. An observation based on the map

2. A scientific explanation for your observation

3. The name of a resource that you used to learn about earthquakes (a book title, a website, a video, or anywhere else you may have gotten information)

If you complete this week's challenge, your name will be entered into a drawing. If your name is picked, you will win a sweet treat.

Good luck!



By Phoenix7777Own work [CC BY-SA 4.0 (, ODbL ( or CC BY-SA 2.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons

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