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Kindergarten Challenge: November 14-18

Felix the Fox loves to solve mysteries! Read or listen to the story to see if you can help him solve the Case of the Missing Carrot.

Felix the Fox awoke from his afternoon nap to Rachel the Rabbit yelling his name.

"Felix!" she shouted. "Felix! Help!"

Felix opened one eye, then the other. He yawned. He thought about going back to sleep.

"Felix!" Rachel Rabbit cried. "Felix! Someone stole my last carrot!"

Felix's ears perked up. "Stole?" he asked. Suddenly, Felix did not feel like going back to sleep. Felix loved to solve mysteries, and this seemed like the perfect case. "Show me where you last saw your carrot," he said.

The two animals zipped across the meadow to Rachel's rabbit hole.

"I left it right here on the kitchen table," Rachel explained. "Then, I went to hop around the field for the morning. When I came home, it was gone!"

Felix looked closely at the spot on the table where the carrot had been. "Gross!" he exclaimed. "You really need to clean your table!"

"I do not!" Rachel Rabbit replied. "I cleaned it this morning!"

"Hmmm..." said Felix. "Look at this long trail of slime. Was your table slimy this morning?"

"No," said Rachel. "Why?"

"Because I think I know who stole your carrot!" Felix told her. "But first, I have one final question. How big was your carrot?"

"Oh, very small," said Rachel. "I was saving it for a little afternoon snack. Why do you ask?"

"Because," Felix explained. "I know of an animal that leaves a slimy trail, but he would only be able to move a very small carrot. I think I've cracked the case!"


If you think you know which animal stole Rachel Rabbit's carrot...

1. Draw a picture of the animal.

2. Label the animal you drew.

Have a grown-up send a picture of your work to Ms. D! If you can guess which animal stole the carrot, your name will be entered into a drawing. You could win a sweet treat!

Good luck!

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