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K-2 Nurturing
in Asheville City Schools

First Grade Challenge: January 9-13
Have you ever heard someone say, "It's raining cats and dogs!"? This is an example of an idiom. An idiom is a saying that means something...

Kindergarten Challenge: January 9-13
For this week's challenge, you will write a haiku (you say it like this: "hi-KOO") about snow. A haiku is a special kind of poem that is...

Second Grade Challenge: January 2-6
Hello, second graders! Happy 2017! For your first challenge of the new year, you will create and illustrate a semantic gradient. You may...

First Grade Challenge: January 2-6
Happy new year, first graders! For your first challenge of 2017, you will learn how adding two letters can change the meaning of a word....

Kindergarten Challenge: January 2-6
Happy New Year! For your first challenge of 2017, you will get some more practice with Venn diagrams. If you need to know more about Venn...

STEAM Spotlight: Ms. Williams' Class
Ms. Williams' kindergarteners at Hall Fletcher have worked diligently to create a gingerbread model of downtown Asheville! Over the...

Second Grade Challenge: December 3-9
This week, your challenge is to make a comic strip that shows the main events of the Smith family's story in the Scholastic Scope article...

First Grade Challenge: December 3-9
Did you know that there are many different holidays to celebrate in December? Use the links below to research some of the many winter...

Kindergarten Challenge: December 3-9
For this week's challenge, you will use a Venn diagram. In a Venn diagram, items that belong in one group go in one circle. Items that...
Holiday Shopping for Curious Minds
For those looking to get a head start on holiday shopping, consider checking out some of these NAGC-approved toys and games that are both...
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